Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation procedures can drastically transform both the size and shape of your breasts, as well as alter their overall appearance, dress choices, and sense of self-esteem. To make sure that you are happy with your decision, it is essential that realistic expectations be set beforehand; this means understanding that your body may continue to age after surgery as well as weight fluctuations that might alter how your new breasts appear.

Pre Breast Augmentation Surgery

Bring pictures of women with ideal body types as guides when making decisions about implants. Your plastic surgeon can then explain the various implant types — round or tear drop shaped implants made of silicone or saline; high or low profile options — until you make your final selection.

Once you’ve decided upon your desired breast size, your plastic surgeon will create an incision in either the breast tissue or pectoralis muscle (subglandular placement). They’ll insert your implant in either above or below your pectoral muscle pocket before closing off with sutures to complete the procedure.

Recovery after breast augmentation surgery

Recovery may involve experiencing some soreness and swelling, bruising, or scarring which should gradually fade over time. Be sure to follow all instructions given by your plastic surgeon regarding recovery including wearing a compression bra as directed and avoiding activities which might raise your blood pressure or cause your implants to move around during this process.

Patients who can return to work and their daily activities within one to two weeks typically recover quickly. It is also essential that patients avoid wearing push-up bras that could change the position of their implants.

Once your incisions have healed, you should begin to see a change in the shape of your breasts. Some women report feeling tightness due to stretched tissues; you might also notice your breasts appear higher on your chest than they did before augmenting, however this should settle as time progresses and your implants stabilize in place.

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